The Batman Movie Drama Colin Farrell USA dual audio

The Batman Drama Colin Farrell USA dual audio



Writed by - Bob Kane
Genre - Drama
Colin Farrell

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Best movie of 2008, greatest comic book movie ever, and overall one of the greatest films ever made. Top 5 greatest films ever, up there with the 2nd hobbit and the revenge of the sith and empire strikes back.

Ah, I remember watching this show on Kids WB. Good times. Damn turn the lights on or somehing I couldn"t see ??. So many people. Wow, its. I cant see anything. I"m 100% excited to see this movie I can"t wait and the Batsuit looks absolutely fantastic and so is Batmobile as well overall it"s badass. The dark knight returns batman is a straight up badass.

Im sorry but Adam West Batman could destroy anyone. Hey you! You wanna know something? I know how to get hundreds of subs very easily. It"s simple JUST MAKE BETTER VIDEOS. Was this recorded in a cave or something? You can barely see anything. These two are real best friend goals. I like the scene from Batman Superman public enemies where Batman sacrifices himself in a rocket and explodes while supes is fighting luthor and supes looks up and says to luthor “THAT WAS MY BEST FRIEND UP THERE, AND YOU JUST KILLED HIM”. and then the second he hears a chance Batman might be alive he shoots off to go get him.

Penguin The riddler Cat woman Two face The mad hatter Firefly.

If i clicked on this and closed my eyes, I"d just think we were getting a Vader movie

I"m down to see the villain"s WE NEED THESE VILLAINS.
Firefly is a pleasant surprise.
Heard a rumor that the bat symbol is made up of pieces of the gun that was used to kill the Waynes. I highly doubt it"s true but still an interesting rumor.
This mans really added Kira laugh u have my respect ?.

It looks like Vin Diesel"s Dodge Charger. I love how Superman would rather rip the whole chair out in an life threatening emergency than touch Batman without permission ??. I was surprised that lego appeared In such low place. It"s 2018 who would forget about this awesome movie.

To be honest I dont know whos strongest but before I watch this Im gonna guess 2. God of knowledge Batman rbatos lantern Batman. Thing is about everyone saying batman the best or that batman nothing special he just human and only the writers are making him the best. No How they built up his story to be that smart and be cautious and also open up, gain trust and is as improtant as any oen league going so far as to be WILLING to die to protect the league because they are not just his friends but his family.
